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Autumn Warmth Acorn Soaps

Sale price$ 6.50

This is a limited edition soap. The scent reminds me of sitting next to a warm fire on a crisp cool New England fall evening under a warm blanket sipping a latte. This soap set makes the perfect gift to someone special in your life. 

Price includes 1 soap in a kraft paper box with crinkle paper and jute string.

The acorn is symbolic in many cultures. In the Celtic and Nordic cultures, it symbolizes immortality, fertility, and life. In Sanskrit, the word oak evokes the concept of thunder, life, soul, and spirit.

In colonial times, a young woman would place two acorns in a bowl of water to find out if she had found true love. If the acorns moved together "yes" if they moved apart "no".

Ingredients: Olive oil, coconut oil, safflower oil, sunflower oil, goats milk, fragrance oil.

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Autumn Warmth Acorn Soaps
Autumn Warmth Acorn Soaps Sale price$ 6.50