November 29, 2014
Why is Supporting Local Businesses so Important
Today Thompson Street Farm is participating in Small Business Saturday at the Glastonbury Farmers Holiday Market (Market is open every Saturday through December 20th) at The Old Cider Mill 1287 Main Street Glastonbury 10 am - 1 pm. So why is supporting small businesses so important? Here are 12 reasons why...
Why is shopping locally so important?
- You support local businesses.
- You protect the character of our community.
- You keep local dollars in the community.
- You help protect the environment (factory farm food uses a lot of resources)
- You help create jobs.
- You increase your home value (yes, towns with independent local business districts tend to have higher home values).
- You safeguard your families health, Fresh is best!
- You protect New England's beautiful scenery. Yup, buying from farms helps preserve land.
- You discover amazing new and delicious food items you'll never find at a big chain store.
- You play a larger role in our community. Shake the hand that feeds you.
- Have fun! Local farmers markets are more lively, creative, have beautifully decorated products and locally sourced compared to the big box stores.
- Even if you just replace one of your holiday items with a local product you'll be making a difference in our community.